Weather: 77°F, Mostly Cloudy, light winds at 2 mph
Water Level: 199.71 ft
Water Temperature: 75.7°F

With cooler temperatures and overcast skies, fishing conditions on Lake Gaston should be favorable. The water temperature remains warm, which should keep fish active. Here’s what anglers can expect:

  1. Largemouth Bass: Bass fishing should be good. Look for fish around concentrations of shad in 4-8 feet of water. Crankbaits and plastic worms are likely to be effective, especially around creek channels and main lake points.
  2. Striped Bass: Striper action may be picking up. Try trolling bucktails or using live bait in the main river channel from the Route 85 Bridge to Gaston Dam.
  3. Crappie: Crappie fishing should be excellent. Target boat docks and submerged brush piles in 12-14 feet of water using small minnows or jigs.
  4. Catfish: Catfishing remains good throughout the lake. Cut bait or live shad should produce results.

The cloudy conditions may extend good fishing periods throughout the day. Anglers should pay attention to shad movements, as predatory fish will likely be following bait schools. Good luck and tight lines!