Weather: 59°F, Mostly Sunny, winds 5-9 mph
Water Level: 199.53 ft, Water Temperature: 71°F
- Largemouth Bass: Head down to Poe’s, Pretty, and Lee’s Creeks. Work those main channel points with crankbaits and hit the rocks and stumps with jig ‘n pig in 4-10 feet. Shad and silver are your go-to crankbait colors right now.
- Stripers: If you’re after stripers, try trolling bucktails and Hot Spots in the main river channel. They’re hanging around 16-20 feet deep.
- Crappie: The coolers are getting loaded with these guys. Small minnows over brushpiles is all you need to know.
Water’s cooling off nicely – this should be prime fishing weather!